Friday, September 27, 2013

Words cannot explain!

So these past two weeks have not been on my side. I was in the ER two weeks ago so I couldn't workout because it was hard enough to sit, I attempted the gym one day but it wasn't good. I was good again for a few days. This past Monday I went to physical therapy. I have been having an issue in my right shin, numbness, shooting pain. Yeah, it's not a good time AT ALL! Doc told me that between PT and physical therapy that going to the gym on top of it would only make progression towards healing worse. Talk about a let down. But I only PT'd once this week so I decided its gym time. I'm dying over here. I miss the gym. It's like prozac. Looking forward to my daily workout gets me through work and motivates me to eat better during work. I was also extremely sick all week, worst cold I've ever had. Thankfully I'm better!

Now, people who don't know much about the military probably don't know what BAS is. In a nutshell it's money they pay us to eat. When you live in dorms, which is where I live, you have a dining facility you go to and in a way eat for free. Well, they are closing our dining facility and we now will receive BAS. This gives me the opportunity to buy food, and eat clean! WOOHOO!! I am very excited. I will also be purchasing my first crock pot, I am way to excited for that.

These past two weeks haven't been good with my diet and life goals but now I am going to get myself back on track. I do however need to change my goals. Due to the issues in my legs I'll have to put training for Bikini Modeling on hold unfortunately. When I know what is wrong and hopefully am better I'll get back on track. Right now, I need to focus on rehab for my leg, trimming down, and kicking butt on my PT test in December!! I can't wait.

Eat clean and train dirty,

I will soon be taking donations for Wounded Warrior Project as well as selling a simple virtual cookbook of about 40 of my favorite recipes, some healthy, some not so much. All delicious. All the money from that will be donated to Wounded Warrior Project so keep an eye out!!! Minimum donations will be $2 for cookbook! My goal is to overall raise $500!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Today's Motivation goes to Melissa Larsen!

Today I was doing research on NPC bikini modeling....kind of a goal of mine. While researching I stumbled across an article about Melissa Larsen. In 11 weeks she went from 142lbs and 27% bodyfat to losing 25lbs and 14% body fat....ELEVEN WEEKS!!


You bet your bottom dollar I am so impressed and motivated. In the article from
Now I know this is an old article but it is still motivational.

She gives her weekly workout...

Monday – Shoulders/Triceps

  • Shoulder press (10-12lbs db’s) – 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Side laterals (5-8 lbs. db’s) – 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Pair with Front raises (perform right after side laterals) 5 lb. db’s- 3 sets of 15
  • Tricep press down (rope-40-45 lb depends on machine) 3 sets of 15 reps

Tuesdays – Back/Biceps

  • Lat pulldown (wide grip- 50-80 lbs depends on machine) 3 sets of 15
  • Seated row (40-60 lbs) 3 sets of 12
  • One arm Bent over row (db’s- 20 lbs) 3 sets of 15 per arm
  • Pair with Bicep burl (10 lbs db) 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Underarm lat pulldown (hands close grip under hand-pull toward chest- 40-50 lbs) 3 sets of 12 reps

Wednesday – Glutes/Hams

  • Lying leg curl (50-70lbs) 3 sets of 15
  • Seated leg curl (40-60 lbs) 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Glute kickback machine 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Deadlifts (Use bar or db’s- 45-50 lb bar or 20 lb db’s) 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Walking lunges (Holding 10 lbs db’s) 3 sets of 15 per leg

Thursday – Cardio

  • 40mins steady state

Friday – Glutes/Shoulders

  • Glute kickback machine 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Reverse lunges  3 sets of 15 per leg
  • Shoulder press (10-12lbs db’s) – 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Side laterals (5-8 lbs. db’s) – 3 sets of 20 reps

Saturday – Quads/Glutes

  • Leg extensions (45-70 lbs) 5 sets of 15 reps
  • Leg press (45 degree- 45 lb plate each side) 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Smith machine squat (feet close together- 25 lb plate each side) 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Walking lunges 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Glute kickback machine 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Reverse lunges 3 sets of 15 per leg
and her daily diet

  • Meal 1: Oats and Eggs
  • Meal 2: Protein shake and piece of fruit
  • Meal 3: Chicken, green veggies, and some sort of complex carb (brown rice, yams, oatmeal)
  • Meal 4: Protein Shake and Almonds
  • Meal 5: Protein of some sort again (chicken, fish) and green veggies
  • Meal 6 : 4x Egg whites
I'm not posting too much from my own thoughts today.....I really just thought this was awesome.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm in love....with

Words can't truly explain my new found love for it's INSANE! I literally spend more time on their site than any other site.....aside from Pinterest! Seriously though if you've never been on it GET ON IT...RIGHT THE FLIP NOW! They have workouts, online coaches and trainers to talk to, supplements, you can follow other people and watch their is amazing. So after spending hours, no exaggeration hours on this site and comparing with GNC and various other websites this site hands down has the best prices I have seen.

The offer a 10% military discount of your subtotal....sweet! They also have crazy amazing sales. Now, if you are in the military or have someone close to you who is in the military you know when you first get in you have to watch your pennies. Being the frugal, bargain shopper I am I have come to realize how truly amazing these sales are.

First on the list is pre-workout!
N.O. Xplode 2.0 by BSN
Right now they have a lot of flavors and sizes buy two get one free!
So here is some math:
10 Serving jar- regualr $16.99- BB price $8.99 BUY TWO GET ONE FREE so 30 servings for $17.98!!
20 Serving Jar- regular $26.99- BB $16.99 no specials
30 Serving Jar- regular $44.99- BB $25.77 BUY TWO GET ONE FREE so 90 servings $51.54!!
50 Serving Jar- regular $66.99- BB $32.99 BUY TWO GET ONE FREE so 150 servings $65.98!!


Now, I can't have whey protein because my stomach hates me so I am experimenting with egg protein and I am very excited to try it.
Gold Standard 100% Egg Protein- regular $59.49- BB $34.98 for 2lbs

For those who do use whey:
Gold Standard 100% Whey-
1lb.- regular $21.99- BB $14.99
2lb.- regular $39.99- BB $27.99
3.3lb.- regular $78.99- BB $39.97
5lb.- regular $99.49- BB $53.99
8lb.- regular $119.99- BB $89.99 this comes with a bonus item I am just not sure what
10lb.- regular $139.99- BB $104.99

If I had the time to post everything I would but it is way too much post. There are so many great deals!

Let's add to it, if your subtotal is over $75, over $100, or over $150 you get a free gift. The more you spend the better the gift.

I'm sure everyone remembers right? Well has BodySpace. It's basically myspace for people looking to change their bodies whether for health reasons, to compete, to lose fat, gain muscle etc. It is very inspirational to see how much people have transformed and ITS FREE!! So, check it out.

This post is not sponsored by All prices subject to change at any time, taxes and shipping are applicable. I don't own any part of All rights reserved to, and BodySpace are trademarks of

Leg Day...The BEST Day

Okay, I am guilty as Alex Hernandez (Sorry, I'm a Giants Fan)....anyway. I am 100% guilty and I am not ashamed to say it.....I LOVE LEG DAY! It makes me so happy! I think it's because I love working out my toughest areas which are my legs and stomach. It seriously makes me feeling amazing. So, here is my LEG DAY workout that will leave you involuntary doing the wobble. Do all exercises with whatever weight is best for you. I know myself personally I have an issue with muscles in my lower legs so I can't squat a lot of weight. Doctors don't know what is wrong but I'm cleared for leg workouts, just no running.

(format sets x reps)
Seated Leg Press: 4x15
Calf Raises: 4x25
Wall sits: 3x :30 seconds
Donkey Kicks: 4x 15 (each leg)
Fire Hydrants with Leg Extension: 4x 15 (each leg)
Kettle Bell Swings: 4x 10
Laying Down Side Leg Lifts: 3x 10 (each side) (personally I like doing these resting a weighted body bar on my foot I'm lifting)
Hip Raises: 3x 25
Leg Curls: 4x 15
Hip Abductors: 4x 15
Hip Adductors: 4x 15
Leg Extensions: 3x15
Standing Lunges: 3x 10 (each leg) (can use no weight, plate above head, or barbell/body bar on shoulders)

 So, here's my thing with squats. I love to squat but everyone has their own personal way of doing it. Free weight, machine, body bar, no weight, dumbbell, one set multiple reps, multiple sets, etc. Personally for me I have to do sets of 10. I have a problem with the muscles in my legs so squats does a lot more than just burn.
I do 5 sets of 10 with either a body bar or on a squat rack. I change up weight depending on how I'm feeling that day. My biggest tip is, hit 90 with your legs, if you can go ass to grass by all means do so. Just know your limits. There are three ways I squat, feet shoulder-width apart toes pointing forward, feet shoulder-width apart toes pointed out, and feet together toes pointed forward.

I know for myself I cannot run, medically. It is hands down the most painful thing for me to do. My favorite thing to do is ride a bike. I love it and its an INCREDIBLE leg workout. I get on the upright bike at the gym and usually do a 5k. I find that when I have it set to kilometers or depending on your machine a 5k map I push myself harder and in the end I end up doing more.

I usually am sore after leg day but not as bad as most people are. I think it's because most people don't stretch when they workout and it is VERY VERY important to stretch. It is important you remember a few things....DON'T BOUNCE, and don't push to hard. Breathing is extremely important in stretching. Inhale than stretch while you exhale. This gets oxygen to the muscle giving you a better stretch and ultimately building your flexibility.
Here are some of my stretches:
Sitting on the ground feet together reach for your toes...hold for 5-10 seconds do two times,
Standing with feet together reach for toes...hold for 5-10 seconds do two times,
Standing with feet shoulder width apart reach for toes on right leg...hold for 5-10 seconds do two times each leg and middle.
Do any other stretchs you feel are best.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Life....New Me

Some of you may know me some of you may not so as my FIRST post I'm going to tell you about me, my life, and my goals.

My name is Emily, I am 21 years old and Active Duty Air Force. I was born and raised on Long Island, NY. I have had a constant battle with my body my entire life. Currently, I am 5'5", 146lbs, average build, approx. 25% BF. Coming from a genetic pool of obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and the list goes on I've always been hard on myself for how I look. I've always been into fitness but never as much or the way I am now.

Now, the reason for this blog. I don't know how much it will get looked at, or if anyone will learn from it. I just know that looking through all my friends Facebooks, and Instagrams seeing there progress has really motivated me and I'm hoping by me having this blog out it will do the same for other people.

The purpose of this blog is to put out there facts, workouts, supplements, recipes, and what not I have found worked or didn't work for me. It's my way of saying, "HEY YOU YEAH YOU TRY THIS ITS PRETTY AWESOME!" or "Don't even waste your time."

1- To get my body fat down to 10%
2- To love my body
3- To get into Professional Bikini Modeling
4- For my family and friends to go "WOW!" when they see me when I get home
5- To be health
6- To make a difference
7- To help and motivate others

So enjoy my tips, tricks, food, motivation, workouts, and really anything you want. Comment for suggestions, leave your own tips, food, etc.

-That Hungry Fit Girl