Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm in love....with

Words can't truly explain my new found love for it's INSANE! I literally spend more time on their site than any other site.....aside from Pinterest! Seriously though if you've never been on it GET ON IT...RIGHT THE FLIP NOW! They have workouts, online coaches and trainers to talk to, supplements, you can follow other people and watch their is amazing. So after spending hours, no exaggeration hours on this site and comparing with GNC and various other websites this site hands down has the best prices I have seen.

The offer a 10% military discount of your subtotal....sweet! They also have crazy amazing sales. Now, if you are in the military or have someone close to you who is in the military you know when you first get in you have to watch your pennies. Being the frugal, bargain shopper I am I have come to realize how truly amazing these sales are.

First on the list is pre-workout!
N.O. Xplode 2.0 by BSN
Right now they have a lot of flavors and sizes buy two get one free!
So here is some math:
10 Serving jar- regualr $16.99- BB price $8.99 BUY TWO GET ONE FREE so 30 servings for $17.98!!
20 Serving Jar- regular $26.99- BB $16.99 no specials
30 Serving Jar- regular $44.99- BB $25.77 BUY TWO GET ONE FREE so 90 servings $51.54!!
50 Serving Jar- regular $66.99- BB $32.99 BUY TWO GET ONE FREE so 150 servings $65.98!!


Now, I can't have whey protein because my stomach hates me so I am experimenting with egg protein and I am very excited to try it.
Gold Standard 100% Egg Protein- regular $59.49- BB $34.98 for 2lbs

For those who do use whey:
Gold Standard 100% Whey-
1lb.- regular $21.99- BB $14.99
2lb.- regular $39.99- BB $27.99
3.3lb.- regular $78.99- BB $39.97
5lb.- regular $99.49- BB $53.99
8lb.- regular $119.99- BB $89.99 this comes with a bonus item I am just not sure what
10lb.- regular $139.99- BB $104.99

If I had the time to post everything I would but it is way too much post. There are so many great deals!

Let's add to it, if your subtotal is over $75, over $100, or over $150 you get a free gift. The more you spend the better the gift.

I'm sure everyone remembers right? Well has BodySpace. It's basically myspace for people looking to change their bodies whether for health reasons, to compete, to lose fat, gain muscle etc. It is very inspirational to see how much people have transformed and ITS FREE!! So, check it out.

This post is not sponsored by All prices subject to change at any time, taxes and shipping are applicable. I don't own any part of All rights reserved to, and BodySpace are trademarks of

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