Friday, September 27, 2013

Words cannot explain!

So these past two weeks have not been on my side. I was in the ER two weeks ago so I couldn't workout because it was hard enough to sit, I attempted the gym one day but it wasn't good. I was good again for a few days. This past Monday I went to physical therapy. I have been having an issue in my right shin, numbness, shooting pain. Yeah, it's not a good time AT ALL! Doc told me that between PT and physical therapy that going to the gym on top of it would only make progression towards healing worse. Talk about a let down. But I only PT'd once this week so I decided its gym time. I'm dying over here. I miss the gym. It's like prozac. Looking forward to my daily workout gets me through work and motivates me to eat better during work. I was also extremely sick all week, worst cold I've ever had. Thankfully I'm better!

Now, people who don't know much about the military probably don't know what BAS is. In a nutshell it's money they pay us to eat. When you live in dorms, which is where I live, you have a dining facility you go to and in a way eat for free. Well, they are closing our dining facility and we now will receive BAS. This gives me the opportunity to buy food, and eat clean! WOOHOO!! I am very excited. I will also be purchasing my first crock pot, I am way to excited for that.

These past two weeks haven't been good with my diet and life goals but now I am going to get myself back on track. I do however need to change my goals. Due to the issues in my legs I'll have to put training for Bikini Modeling on hold unfortunately. When I know what is wrong and hopefully am better I'll get back on track. Right now, I need to focus on rehab for my leg, trimming down, and kicking butt on my PT test in December!! I can't wait.

Eat clean and train dirty,

I will soon be taking donations for Wounded Warrior Project as well as selling a simple virtual cookbook of about 40 of my favorite recipes, some healthy, some not so much. All delicious. All the money from that will be donated to Wounded Warrior Project so keep an eye out!!! Minimum donations will be $2 for cookbook! My goal is to overall raise $500!

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